Simon Llewellyn
I grew up and went to school in Cardiff, I’m 52 and have been lucky to have had a very varied working life and career. I joined the Royal Navy in 1990, quickly realising that I wanted to be the best that I could, so I joined the Submarine service in which I served for 11 years. Whilst in service I volunteered to take part in the toughest team competition in the world, the Royal Navy Field Gun Competition. After many years of competition, and inevitably, injuries, I was medically discharged from service.
With my maritime engineering experience, I moved to Dubai to become a ship repair manager, project managing the fixing, rebuilding and dry docking of some of the largest vessels that sail our seas, including rigs and offshore platforms. I have since set up quite a few businesses in the hospitality industry, until I retired in 2023.
Though I am not married, I am a family man with a 14-year-old son.
I am a wholehearted supporter of Reform UK, if elected naturally the policies closest to my heart would be those dealing with the Armed Services. However, for Wales and the UK, the policy I feel is imminently important is immigration. The situation we find ourselves in at present is totally unacceptable, and must change.
The societally and financial as a nation we cannot continue down the track that we are going. A track built by both Labour and the Tories.
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