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Birmingham Yardley

Nora Kamberi
I am thrilled to be selected as Reform UK’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Birmingham Yardley.
I became a single mother shortly after the birth of my third child. Single and unsupported, I had to prioritise the care of my children, their development and education. I know what it is like to struggle “to make ends meet”.
In pursuit of greater financial stability, I undertook a three years part time course in accounting, attempting to further my career prospects.
The government institutions in the country where I grew up, Albania, exercise an extreme level of control over civil society and liberties. I am one of many who felt they had no choice other than to flee and seek safety, escaping the armed conflict, violence and serious public disorder there. I do not want to stand by and watch the UK potentially going down the same road.
I was a part-time care assistant with Springfield Care, before gaining a placement as an accounting administrator with ALB Ltd.
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