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Birmingham Selly Oak

Erin Crawford
A Bit About Me : I am a born and bred Brummie; I come proudly from a working-class family who have worked hard to provide stability and opportunity. I think family values should be at the heart of decision making as government decisions affect all our families. I am 21 years old and I am studying Accountancy and Finance at University whilst holding down a job. Since I was 16, I have been working in hospitality and retail and greatly understand what it is like to work a real job. It’s gruelling! It’s why I believe firmly we should make work pay!
I have always been disappointed with those in office who have absolutely zero clue what it is like in the real world, who have never experienced hard-ship or had to work the daily grind to make ends meet. I came to the conclusion that no one really represents me or the working class, so I thought why not me?
I hope many of you can relate and feel a similar conviction. I hope to advocate for the following things and hope you too might feel as I do!
Self-Sustainability : As a nation we have a history of paving the way in innovation and manufacturing. It seems we have forgotten our roots! We have become overly reliant on letting other countries provide for us in terms of energy, fuel and food. I think it is vital to support our British farmers and source locally. This would cut importing costs and provide jobs nationally. It would also lower our carbon footprint as we wouldn’t ferry produce over from overseas! It is essential we invest in ourselves!
Energy : Can you believe we rely on foreign powers for our energy? I can’t! Our energy bills are utterly through the roof. Families shouldn’t have to choose between eating and heating their homes. Reform UK would utilise our own gas and oil resources, which would reduce our reliance on foreign energy and drive prices down. This would also help create more jobs within the UK. A win-win situation, something that can be and therefore must be achieved!

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